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What are electric energy meters using for?

Mar 29, 2017

Our company is an electric energy meter manufacturer in China, here I will tell you that the manufacturing of electric energy meter.

Electric Energy Meter

To ensure that metering and auditing meet user and regulatory requirements, performance should be measured against meaningful metrics. For example, in office buildings, kWh/m² and kWh/occupant are standard metrics. In hotels kWh/occupancy rate or kWh/overnight are key metrics and for industrial buildings, kWh/production rate is a key metric. The data should also be correlated with heating degree days and cooling degree days to compare current building consumption with previous years and with buildings in other locations.

In order to get started, organizations should first identify user needs and determine the scope of future energy monitoring systems. The next step is to determine the performance metrics and data to be measured that will link building activity and energy consumption. Then, the appropriate project team should determine the metering points (location + type of meter) that will allow operators to monitor and control the building according to their objectives, and to ensure gathered data enables the desired analysis.

Finally, meters should be selected based on corporate energy objectives. If existing primary meters are able to read energy data, reuse may be possible, otherwise new incoming meters should be installed. Additional meters should be selected as per metering points requirements and building operation objectives.

We also provide Single-phase meter and Three-phase meter.