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ZFW43-126(L)/ T3150-40气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备

ZFW43-126/ T3150-40气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备是我公司自主研发的小型化新产品。本产品采用模块化设计,可以根据用户的不同要求,用各标准元件组合成多种布置方式。适用于110kV电网中,可实现开断及关合线路的负载电流及短路电流。均具有电力线路的联络、切换;线路的保护、监测;线路电流、电压的测量以及线路检修的安全防护等功能。产品具有结构紧凑、安装维护方便等诸多优点。

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Common Feature

Self-compression arc quenching interrupter + Spring mechanism

Circuit breaker arc quenching is through the new self can interrupter and simulation of electromagnetic flow field calculation and design, breaking performance, equipped with new spring operating mechanism, simple and reliable operation.

Three-position switch

Three-position switch, is about isolation and earthing switch into one, and share an operating mechanism, not only simplifies the product structure, so that significantly reduced dimensions, but also to achieve a mechanical interlock between isolating switch and grounding switch, and improve the reliability of the product to run.

Integrated earthing switch

Switch body with spring actuator with integrated design, effectively simplifying the structure, reducing the dimensions. At the same time either electric actuator operation, but also can be manually operated, and a mechanical interlock, improve the reliability of the product to run.

Small size, light weight

Products for the three-phase box-type structure, typical interval size: 4000 × 800 × 3000mm, weight typical interval: less than 3000kg. Gap width of only 0.8m, 1m intervals arranged according greatly saves floor space, floor space to meet the requirements of urban substations and other occasions increasingly demanding requirements.


产品名称: ZFW43-126(L)/ T3150-40气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备
